Past Events

2009 National Saamtrek

Friday 23 October 2009 saw the start of another very successful National Saamtrek of the Volvo Club of SA held again at the Maselspoort Holiday Resort outside Bloemfontein. This year we were slightly down on numbers where 47 members registered for the AGM, counting the apologies we received we would have been close to last years 61 members.

Over 50 Volvo’s took to the roads and all arrived safely at the resort, Friday evening we had a bring and braai in the middle of the chalets and as usual it was all Volvo chatter the evening, and we even had a committee member deciding to prank the Chairman of the club by placing a few hundred empty beer bottles against his chalet door so that when he opens the door he would obviously get a fright and wake up a bit quicker! On Saturday morning the Membership Secretary did his normal photo rounds and came around to the Chairmans chalet and man the surprise on his face when he saw the Chairman outside and the beer bottles still against the door…only to realise it was the wrong chalet. Unfortunately his son’s face gave it all away and we now know who the culprit is, Howard of course being experienced and skilled in these things kept a pretty straight face with a quick flash of guilt in his eyes, which he quickly masked with the look of “what me, never”.

Rest of the day went great, weather held and the AGM was held, done and dusted and the competition was underway with a few very beautiful Volvos on show, see the photos below. During this time the ladies went on their annual surprise tour and went go carting in Bloem! Henriette went screaming around the track – look closely at the photo and you can see her screaming, no not screaming as in going around fast, screaming like in screaming! Check it out.

That night at the prizegiving dinner another great supper was served, prizes and gifts were handed out and we had the rare event of having 4 generations of one family there, yes you guessed it 4 generations of Campher’s – Oom Tom (Father, Grandfather and Great Grandfather), Vic & Gerhard (sons), Ockie (Grandson) and Ockie’s son (Grandson). See the photo below.

Until next year we wish you all a blessed time ahead, stay safe and healthy and we look forward to another successful year.

2009 Prize Winners:

Overall Winner – Gerhard & Vic Campher 445

Overall Modified – Wesley Kretzman 122

Best Interior – Gerhard & Vic Campher 445

Back to Life – Gerhard & Vic Campher 445

Bright Paintwork – Leon Spoor

Best modified 164 – Edries Ali

Best modified 122 – Wesley Kretzman

Best modified 1800 – Deon van Loggerenberg

Best modified 544 – Jacques Arnold

Best stock 164 – Gerhard Diedericks

Best stock 122 – Leon Spoor

Best stock 1800 – Hersel Pepler

Best stock 544 – Gerhard & Vic Campher

Oom Tom & Oom Jan enjoying a moment

Oom Tom & Oom Jan enjoying a moment

1st Place Overall - Gerhard Campher 445

1st Place Overall – Gerhard Campher 445

1st place 122 Standard - Leon Spoor

1st place 122 Standard – Leon Spoor

1st place 122 Personalised - Wesley

1st place 122 Personalised – Wesley

1st place Standard 164 - Gerhard Diedericks

1st place Standard 164 – Gerhard Diedericks

1st place 164 Personalised - Edries Ali

1st place 164 Personalised – Edries Ali

1st place 544 Personalised - Jacques

1st place 544 Personalised – Jacques

1st place 1800 Standard - Hersel Pepler

1st place 1800 Standard – Hersel Pepler

1st place 1800 personalised - Deon

1st place 1800 personalised – Deon

Ons braai NOU

Ons braai NOU

4 generations of Camphers! Grandfather, sons, grand son and great grand child!

4 generations of Camphers! Grandfather, sons, grand son and great grand child!

Overall Personalised - Oom Tom & Wesley

Overall Personalised – Oom Tom & Wesley

Damn...bottle prank did'nt work out

Damn…bottle prank did’nt work out

OUr three judges - Jakkie, Ravi & Mike.

OUr three judges – Jakkie, Ravi & Mike.

The girls off on their surprise tour

The girls off on their surprise tour

Around and....

Around and….

Where is the starting line?

Where is the starting line?

...around we go

…around we go

On teh starting line...

On teh starting line…

Was a great one!

Was a great one!

Screaming around the track

Screaming around the track

Top Prize winner!

Top Prize winner!


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