The Club
Anyone may join the club, whether owning a Volvo or not. Fees are currently R350 per annum. There is a central committee in Johannesburg, augmented by area assistants in the other provinces.
Membership runs from January to December of each year and is not pro rated, i.e. if you join and pay your subs in July of a year your membership only runs to December of that year and not for 12 months. Membership subs are payable before March of each year.
Membership of the club gives one access to a wealth of information, such as;
- Technical information on the Volvo cars.
- Sources (both local and international) of parts and accessories.
- Contact details for qualified mechanical support.
- Regular outings, such as our Volvo Walk to Vryheid/ Parys breakfast run/ Spring Bring & Braai which takes during the year
- Annual National Saamtrek and AGM.
- Six newsletters a year.
- Regular sms messages on events and activities (please ENSURE we have your correct cell number)
- Participation in the web site Members Gallery and access to the Members Section.
- Qualify for the SAMCA insurance scheme whereby members’ classic Volvo’s can be insured at low premiums.
The Volvo Club of SA is affiliated to SAMCA which provides further benefits such as preferential insurance premiums and access to other Clubs, events, news and more importantly access to decision makers at Government level.
Further to this it must be noted that in terms of the Constitution of SAMCA only ONE national club may be registered with them, this means that no other Club with Volvo as their focus can be registered with SAMCA.
Hence our structure with one National committee and area assistants.
To join the Club a completed membership application form must be submitted, and the registration and membership fees paid. The form can be requested from any of the committee members or downloaded by clicking on the link below. Further details and instructions will be found on the form.
Your application will be processed as soon as it has been received, and your membership card and first newsletter posted to you pronto!
DOWNLOAD THE MEMBERSHIP FORM by clicking here – Membership Form 2024