Club News

SAMCA Insurance Scheme

In order to qualify for the insurance scheme you have to be a paid up member of the Club or a Club that is affiliated to SAMCA, if your membership fees are not paid up for the year of membership, your claim could be rejected! A Club evaluator must evaluate your classic.

Please remember SAMCA nor the Club has any preference or links to any of these companies. All policy contracts/relationships are up to the responsibility of and between the individual member and the insurance company concerned.

The SAMCA list of approved insurers (and please SHOP AROUND!) are:

  1. Cross Country Insurance Consultants (CCIC) – Insurance broker Michael Brett of MBA associates, on 011 888 2880 or 082 923 0666 or email He can place business with CCIC who act as underwriting managers on behalf of Renasa Insurance Co.
  2. Indwe Risk – John Heijmans or Jacqui Venter, 012 471 1000,
  3. AON South Africa – Fussell& Associates (011) 582 1000

february, 2025

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